Avoid Colds and Flu With This Homemade, Holistic Throat Spray


The cold and flu season is unfortunately upon us, but the good news is that you can avoid getting sick, missing days from school or work, and feeling horrible by just following some sage advice: 

1)  Most importantly, keep your immune system in tip-top shape by eating whole foods and exercising regularly

2)  At the first sign of a scratchy throat, start taking 40-50mg of chelated zinc twice daily AND

3)  Spray your throat with this ingenious concoction (scroll down for the recipe).  

Even if you do end up succumbing to the virus, the zinc and this spray will significantly reduce the severity and length of your illness.   

This recipe has worked for me and my family for years.  In fact, we rarely get even one cold (and have never had the flu) per season.  And the best news? It couldn't be easier.  Just make one batch and it will last you two years.

Keep this natural gargle/throat spray on hand at all times (I just mix up a batch around October, at the beginning of cold and flu season) and the key is to commence use at the first signs of a scratchy throat.  

Visit my HEALING & PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE SHOP to view the few handpicked (by me!) products I personally use (and the reasons why) to ward off any virus and keep my immune system in tip-top fighting shape! 



8 oz purified water

2 TBS Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 

1 heaping TBS Sea Salt

2-3 drops of Clear Iodine (which is also highly effective if you suffer from hypothyroidism) 



1. Mix all the ingredients together in a glass bowl.   

2.  Use a funnel to put some in a spray bottle and store the leftovers in a glass jar with a lid. 

3.  Use immediately at the first signs of a sore throat, spray the back of your throat every 30-60 minutes for 3 days.  This remedy is also safe and effective for children.